The land is expanded in 28 thousand square meters
It is located in the village
of Argirades in the South
East of the island, close to Lefkimi
Only 1,8 km away from Agios Ioannis in Plagies which is the most
beautiful sandy beach of the island
The property is in inclinational position, overlooking both the Adriatic
and the Ionian sea, and surrounded by hundreds
of olive trees
The superb view, the beautiful countryside and the size of the property
make it the perfect spot to build an accommodation unit
3 Square Kilometres of the property are within city plan
The property holds permission for water supply for a Hotel Unit
It also comes across the Provincial road that joins the city of Kerkira with Lefkimi with
double entrance
This sale represents a unique opportunity to develop the existing site!
For information, please contact us:
+30 6955 466367, +30 211 1153710