Great Advertising campaign to promote your business, your website, your estore.
Satisfaction guaranteed! What you get?
First things first. This campaign will run for one week on many premium advertising domains and with many different ways.
First we design a banner for your website in case you don't have one. It will be a 468X60 animated banner according to your site content. We also create text and email advertisements with your site content.
We use the banners within an affiliate network of about 5-6 sites to create CPC campaigns mostly and some CPM campaigns. This means you will get guaranteed visitors to your website, great exposure and good broadcast of yor site.
We use the email ads (2 different types of ads, html and text ads) to inform multiple subscribers to an affiliate network of about 5-6 sites (different from the previous) for your business. This will also give you a great number of of web visitors who, depending on the content of your website, are willing to register to your site.
We use part of your payment to give you at least 200-250 guaranteed new subscribers to your site. Your site must have an option to join for free, in order to use this feature. These subscribers come from another 2 afilliate sites.
At last you will get guaranteed visitors from 2-3 top manual traffic exchange sites whre will be placed also CPM advertising and Text advertising.
At last but not least, your CPM advertising and an article will be placed on our facebook profile, our google+ account, an article will be written for your site in our blog and of course on our site,
This is a win-win adverisement for you as you will get great exposure of your website and at least 200-250 guaranteed signups which may be much more depending on your site content and in the ability to generate leads from the web visitors.
The only things we require to proceed with your advertisement is the possibility for a free registration and it will be preferred your site content to be in English.
As our campaigns proceed you will get notified by email with an attached image of the url of your paid advertisement, and in the end of the week you will get detailed stats like, how many impressions you received, how many clicked on your ads and in the case you have not received all the guaranteed signups we comtinue the campaigns until you get them. And also we will provide you the text ads, the banner we shall design, the text emails and the html emails original code to keep them for future own use. Of course we do not accept refunds in this product when your campaign starts, as we use part of this money to run your advertisements on the affiliate sites, so you would better read this carefully before you order this Advertising Package.
Order here, currently on sale
P.S. The advertising package has been awarded in an indepedent site. On the right there is a proof of part payment for this project awarded for 500$ in total. Here is the link to the mentioned awarded project
Click below any link to join the best affiliate program in the internet paying 90% commissions on every listing of your referrals or the 90% of the fees paid on every acceptance of any project.
Satisfaction guaranteed! What you get?
First things first. This campaign will run for one week on many premium advertising domains and with many different ways.
First we design a banner for your website in case you don't have one. It will be a 468X60 animated banner according to your site content. We also create text and email advertisements with your site content.
We use the banners within an affiliate network of about 5-6 sites to create CPC campaigns mostly and some CPM campaigns. This means you will get guaranteed visitors to your website, great exposure and good broadcast of yor site.
We use the email ads (2 different types of ads, html and text ads) to inform multiple subscribers to an affiliate network of about 5-6 sites (different from the previous) for your business. This will also give you a great number of of web visitors who, depending on the content of your website, are willing to register to your site.
We use part of your payment to give you at least 200-250 guaranteed new subscribers to your site. Your site must have an option to join for free, in order to use this feature. These subscribers come from another 2 afilliate sites.
At last you will get guaranteed visitors from 2-3 top manual traffic exchange sites whre will be placed also CPM advertising and Text advertising.
At last but not least, your CPM advertising and an article will be placed on our facebook profile, our google+ account, an article will be written for your site in our blog and of course on our site,
This is a win-win adverisement for you as you will get great exposure of your website and at least 200-250 guaranteed signups which may be much more depending on your site content and in the ability to generate leads from the web visitors.
The only things we require to proceed with your advertisement is the possibility for a free registration and it will be preferred your site content to be in English.
As our campaigns proceed you will get notified by email with an attached image of the url of your paid advertisement, and in the end of the week you will get detailed stats like, how many impressions you received, how many clicked on your ads and in the case you have not received all the guaranteed signups we comtinue the campaigns until you get them. And also we will provide you the text ads, the banner we shall design, the text emails and the html emails original code to keep them for future own use. Of course we do not accept refunds in this product when your campaign starts, as we use part of this money to run your advertisements on the affiliate sites, so you would better read this carefully before you order this Advertising Package.
Order here, currently on sale
P.S. The advertising package has been awarded in an indepedent site. On the right there is a proof of part payment for this project awarded for 500$ in total. Here is the link to the mentioned awarded project
Click below any link to join the best affiliate program in the internet paying 90% commissions on every listing of your referrals or the 90% of the fees paid on every acceptance of any project.
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